"Professor Blackthorne is an arrogant prick." That's the first thing I
thought upon meeting him. Sure, he's smart and educated up the wazoo, but
he's far too full of himself. He's one of the most annoying people, I think: a know-it-all who really does know it all. Unfortunately, his course was required for my graduate degree in ancient history, so I'd have to put up with him.
I'm intelligent, I'm opinionated, and I'm used to getting my way. But I
didn't get this far in academia by cursing out the faculty. So, I kept my
mouth shut through his self-important lectures, his slanted, patriarchal
view of history, and his peculiar classroom requirements (I haven't had to
ask permission to go to the bathroom since I was in elementary school).

But when the "good professor" had the gall to give me a B on my dare I say
brilliant midterm paper, I went straight to his house. I didn't care if it
was 10:30 at night or if the visit was unexpected; I was going to be heard.

Professor Blackthorne was grading papers when I arrived. Suddenly, I felt quite nervous. I hadn't wanted to admit up until that point that I found him kind of intimidating. Nevertheless, I took out my paper and demanded that he change my grade. "I don't know why you seem to have it in for me," I said, "But I know and you know that this paper is better than a B. You are messing up my GPA, and I would like for you to change my grade to an A." There, I said it. For a few moments, I was aware of my heart pounding in my chest.

Professor Blackthorne gave a small smile. "I'm sorry, Miss Heartbreak, but I
must say, the B I gave you was kind. Your research was shoddy, your
arguments flimsy, and your prose as muddy as a swamp. In fact, the only
reason I didn't fail you outright is because you seem to show some small,
glimmering degree of promise and I didn't want you to get completely

I was utterly shocked. No one had ever spoken like that to me before. I
ripped up the paper right in front of him and started to leave the room. I
didn't need this kind of treatment. I was going to write a letter to the
head of the department. No, better than that, I was going to call the head
of the department. I--

"Would you come back here, please?"

Ah-ha! Maybe he came to his senses, finally, and he's going to apologize for
giving me such a poor grade and being so rude to me. You see, you just have
to stand up for what you believe in this world.


A burst of adrenaline shot from my heart down to my pussy and ricocheted off the pit of my stomach. It was like a switch was flipped. From some far away place I wondered why it didn't even occur to me to say no. I slowly sank to my knees on the rich carpet. He looked at me appraisingly. In his eyes, I saw challenge, authority, power, and even kindness-- enough kindness that I knew he wouldn't harm me. He took off my glasses slowly and gently. He might as well have blindfolded me. Vulnerable now, all I could see was a blurred version of his face. Somewhere in the back of my mind I remembered that I had an early class tomorrow, but that was becoming less and less

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